File Sharing and Backup Solutions

Business Grade File Sharing Solution
Securisync gives you safe and secure access to your company data 24/7/365 on virtually any computer, tablet, or smart phone. Data is encrypted in transit and at it’s destination, making this solution HIPAA complaint. There are also file auditing tools allowing administrators to know who accessed what data and when. Data is synchronized across all devices with any changes recorded almost instantly upon being made. Users can collaborate on files simultaneously without fear of changes being lost. You can even share folders with outside users (who do not have this system in place) and set the file permissions yourself.

Securisync Doubles as a Backup Solution
Your data lives in two places, on your machines and securely encrypted on a cloud server. That means data stored within Sharesync is always backed up in the event of a system failure or hard drive crash. The data is always synchronized which makes it better than traditional backup solutions which only run once a night or sometimes not at all. Sharesync is also available for file servers.
Protection against Ransomware
With Securisync, you can literally roll back in time to the minute before your network was infected. This means, that in the event of a serious malware or ransomware infection, even if it reaches your cloud storage and begins infecting those files, we can literally roll the entire system “back in time” to the minute before the infection took hold meaning only very limited down time and data loss for your organization. Many companies have been brought to their knees by these types of outbreaks, for your users, it’s just a minor inconvenience.

Integration with Office 365
Securisync fully integrates with Microsoft Office, giving you an audit trail in Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, however it’s biggest advantage is in Outlook, where it allows you to send very large files (too big for email) and password protected encrypted files with just the push of a button. Instead of sending the actual file, you will be sending a link to the file which actually lives on the server, if you choose to password protect the link, it is securely encrypted allowing you to transmit sensitive data without fear of compromise.